I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5
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As women of God, we recognize that we receive true life when we abide (remain connected) with Jesus Christ and that we can extend that life to the people around us by producing the fruit of the spirit.


Evangelism – provide opportunities to share the Good News and plant seeds, allowing women to recognize their own personal need for Jesus Christ.

Ready and willing to share how God has worked in their lives (personal testimonies). Ready and willing to share how to become a Christian. Ready and willing to share why we follow Jesus Christ.

Education & Discipleship – provide opportunities for women to grown spiritually in their Christian walk with Jesus Christ by studying God’s word together through Bible Studies and Discipleship, as well as supporting women in their individual Christian Education.

Provide opportunities for Discipleship. Provide opportunities for more mature believers*

Sense of Community & Life Application Women of all ages will find a welcoming sense of community whereby they may forge strong relationships with other Christian women. We seek to walk along side one another offering Christian love and support as we seek to do the will of God.

Imitating Jesus Christ As Christian women, we seek to become more like Jesus in all areas of our lives by abiding in Jesus. Through our lives we seek to bear much fruit so that others may know we are disciples of Jesus Christ (John 15:1-8)

Provide opportunities for Christian Maturity. Provide opportunities to serve God by serving others. Follow the commands and teachings of Jesus Christ


Book Study

Saturdays: October 19, November 2 & 9
10 - 11:30 a.m.

Do you long to get closer to Jesus?  Want to know His love better than ever?  
Join facilitators Donna Taylor and Sheila Gaetzke as we read about the relationship of the Good Shepherd and his sheep.  Christian author W. Phillip Keller made his livelihood as an owner and shepherd of sheep for about eight years in East Africa.  Later, Keller shared his insights in weekly sermons as the lay pastor of a community church and subsequently wrote A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.
This book study will include:
•in-person and online conversations
No charge.
No childcare available for the book study.

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