Sunday School

Sunday School for all ages takes place every week. These small groups are designed to help you deepen your knowledge of God's Word, gain guidance in your walk with Him, and meet others in the church with whom to walk through life.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

College & Young Adults

Bridges Worship Center in The Underground
College students and young adults 18 to 35 are welcome to join us for discussion-based Bible study dealing with everyday life situations.

Acts 2:42

Room 200-B
Our class is comprised mostly of couples with some singles and divorced, ranging in age from 40–75. We use teaching materials from Bible Studies for Life.

Adult 2

Room 100
Come and join us!

Adult 4

Room 107
Our class consists of singles and couples 50 years old and up. We use a quarterly called Explore the Bible and are currently studying Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. We are fortunate to have two excellent teachers, Charlie Geach and Terry Stroud. Both use a lecture/group discussion presentation.

We hope all our students gain a greater knowledge of scripture and apply it to their spiritual growth. Our class has a friendly and welcoming demeanor. Prayer is an important part of coming together. Fellowship and caring for one another is a big part of ministry.

Adult 5

Room 101
Our class is made up primarily of married and single people ages 55 and up.

Adult Special Needs Sunday School Class

Room 108
This is a small class designed for adults with special needs who can cooperatively participate in Bible study activities.  Each week the participants will learn about God’s love to foster a personal relationship with Jesus, develop an overall knowledge of God’s Word and apply it to their lives.  Students will have the opportunity to share prayer requests and participate in Bible studies that are reinforced with hands-on activities and music.  We believe that all people are made in the likeness and image of God and can reflect his character to the best of their abilities.

For more information please call the church office at (915) 533-1465
Fill out this information form prior to attending

Berean Bible Class

Room 106
We are a women's Bible study group ages 50 and up. We study the Bible verse by verse.

Bridges Bilingual Class

Room 111
Carmen Estrada leads us as we study a book of the Bible verse by verse, open discussion. We are a "hybrid" class - we meet in person and online.  We are an international class, mostly English is spoken, however Spanish is used when needed. Adults of all ages are welcome!

Couples 2:20

Room 217
We have chosen Galatians 2:20 as our theme verse for our class. "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

Our class alternately selects together an Old Testament book and New Testament book to study. We have studied Revelation, Genesis, Galatians, and a topical study of Apologetics to name a few.

Our class members are mostly married couples in their 30's and 40's ( and a few 50's+) with children. We pray for one another, support one another and enjoy a great fellowship.  
Come and join us!

Young Married

Room 211
During the first years of marriage, it’s important to build on a firm foundation. Our class seeks to build on that foundation by deepening our relationship with Christ, placing Him at the center of our marriages. We encourage newlyweds and young Christian couples to build healthy Christian friendships, as well as, to serve & disciple others.
Young, engaged couples are welcome to join us.
 Lessons are taught through class discussion (group participation), while using a variety of Scripture based resources.


Room 200-A
JOURNEY is open to everyone rather than a targeted group.  Young, old and in-between. Various topics throughout the year are offered. Join us for a short trek if a topic catches your interest. Or stay on the journey with us, getting to know your ‘traveling companions’.  Every Journey begins with one small step – what step do you need to take?
A new study starts in January.
The book of Hebrews will encourage our faith as we learn that Jesus is the anchor for our souls. He is the author and completer of our faith. What does that entail?  Join us as we discover together the truths of all that Jesus accomplished on our behalf. If you are a believer in Him, your soul is already anchored. Grow in your faith along with us as we study the how's and why's that uphold these truths. If you are searching for truth or struggling in your faith, you will find your answers within the pages of this magnificent book.


Room 105
We are currently studying the Gospel of John. We study a book of the Bible, depending on the length of the book and the length of discussion in each class session, it can take several months (even a year) to cover the book. Our class focuses more on group discussion, allowing those in attendance the opportunity to provide input to the study.
Our goal has always been for class members to gain practical application of God's word as they increase in the knowledge of it, the ongoing result being a healthy and growing spiritual life individually (personal) and corporately (fellowship/community).

Men's Bible Study

Saturday at 1 p.m. on Zoom and Sunday at 10:10 a.m. in Room 104
Come and join us!

Open Door

Room 209
The Open Door Class is exactly what it sounds like! We welcome folks of all ages and bible backgrounds.  As a group we aim to share our experiences and knowledge to give context and depth to our studies of the Bible.  Our goal is to grow together in Christian fellowship and we would love for you to join us!  We are currently studying the Minor Prophets.

Spanish (Español)

Servicio de Oración a las 9:15 am
Escuela Dominical a las 10:45 am
Servicio de Alabanza y Adoración a las 9:30 am en Inglés
Servicio de Alabanza y Adoración a las 9:30 am en Español cada primer Domingo del mes en la capilla

Sunday PM

5 - 6:30 p.m.
Do you teach or serve on Sunday mornings? Work shifts? Conflicts with the kids’ extracurricular activities on Sunday mornings? Have we got the Sunday School class for you!

Join this intergenerational, interactive, discussion-oriented class of in-depth Bible studies, book by book. We are working through the New Testament books about the early churches. Fifth Sundays will be social events either at church or off-campus in homes.

They continued steadily learning the teaching of the apostles, and joined in their fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer. (Acts 2:42 JB Phillips translation)

That The World May Know

Room 207
Truitt Nelson teaches directly from the Bible and topics surrounding Christian Biblical principles. Discussions are encouraged through the teaching subject of the day and answers are sought through God's word and not opinions.  
We hope the students will gain an unquenchable desire to always be in God's word to increase their biblical knowledge. Our class also encourages the learner to become a disciple of Jesus, to be a better reflection of who He is so that "The World May Know" the Gospel, and that we would be a reflection of God's grace, love, and mercy lived out in our faith to our community.

Women's Bible Study

Parlor and via Zoom
For women of all ages.  
The teachers for the Women’s Bible Study are Martha Caldwell and Jane Schillaci. We are studying Explore the Bible, Daily Discipleship Guide, John 12-21.  The second half of the gospel of John focuses on events surrounding the final week of Jesus life leading up to and including His arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.  The study consists of understanding the context of a selected passage, exploring, and applying the passage, key doctrine, and discussion of verses in the selected passage.  The class consists of teaching and discussion.  We have a time for prayer requests then members pray for these requests during the week. This study allows participates to study scripture and growing in their relationship with the Lord trusting more fully in Him. Social gatherings are planned at various times throughout the year.

We have a place for every member of your family