
About our Committees

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.

Ecclesiastes 4:9

As a Southern Baptist/Texas Baptist Church, we are self-governed, using a system of Committees and Ministry Teams. Each Committee or Ministry Team has a specially considered purpose in the fulfillment of our Mission and Vision. They are filled by volunteers who have hearts to serve in the Church, using their God-given talents, skills, and resources in an effort to reach our community and the world for Jesus Christ.

Those who serve on Committees are individuals who have formally joined First Baptist Church of El Paso. Members serve terms specified in our Church bylaws and renew in September at the start of each fiscal year.

Our Ministry Teams are each lead by two FBC members who form teams of people, not necessarily formal members of the Church, who have the special abilities needed to perform the operations of those teams.


To help those being baptized to be more comfortable by providing a caring, positive, and supportive environment for them and their family on the day of their baptism.
To provide assistance to families of members of the Church during times of death and of crisis by coordinating for the delivery of meals.
To review the form of proposed bylaw modifications and ensure that these modifications are properly integrated with our existing bylaws.
Committee on Committees
To serve and support existing Committees and Ministry Teams.
Discipleship Education
To establish and maintain a leadership structure and curriculum for the development of disciples within our Church family.
Finance and Stewardship
To oversee the budget of the Church.
To maintain the Church historical material, memorabilia, and pictures, to chronicle important events in the life of the Church, and to prepare annual celebrations of the Church's history.
To maintain the church library and materials and to promote the use of of the church library.
Lord's Supper
To prepare and arrange the elements of the Lord's Supper when it is observed. We celebrate the Lord's Supper as a Church family quarterly.
To support, plan, and promote local and global mission activities and to coordinate with other mission organizations for the purpose of carrying out missions.
New Member
To be actively alert and helpful to new members and visitors at FBC in connecting with the Church.
To nominate the corporate officers and directors, church officers, the Sunday School Director, Continuing Education Director, Sunday School teachers, WMU Director, ushers, greeters, and discipleship training leaders. All positions are voted on during quarterly business meetings as needed.
To fill staffing needs, set policy, review staff evaluations, hear recommendations, and submit budget proposal as related to Church employee positions and related expenses.
Properties and Transportation
To oversee the upkeep and purchase of all Church buildings and equipment.


To support the growth of our Video and Audio Ministries as we strive to effectively communicate and enhance ministries, sermons, and overall church life.
To provide focused planning and implementation of a social media strategy that enables FBC to communicate effectively in a varied demographic setting.
Evangelism and Outreach
To serve as a sub-team of the Missions Committee to assist in equipping, discipling, and encouraging its members to fulfill the Great Commission.
Global Missions
To help FBC improve as a missionary church and to foster a culture for global missions within our congregation, according to God's purposes and the church's missional vision.
International Student Fellowship
To provide friendship, fellowship and Jesus to international students as we welcome them to our church and homes.
Men's Ministry
To provide discipleship and fellowship activities and events for men in our community.
Preschool and Children
To support the Preschool and Children's Ministry at FBC, set policies, and help coordinate activities.
Senior Adult Team 
To plan and promote activities for our senior adults.
To plan and arrange church fellowships, making each church social an event that promotes unity and Christian love.
Student Ministry Adult Team
To provide support to the Youth Minister as he seeks to develop mature and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday Supper Servers Team
To help serve supper to our church families Wednesdays from 5pm - 6pm.
Women's Ministry
To provide discipleship and fellowship activities and events for women in our community.