But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
God created us to be creative because He is creative. Through the process of honing an artistic knowledge base and skill set, we learn to become better observers of God’s creation, of His work in the world, and of ourselves and our place in God’s work. We also learn better control of our motor skills and our mental processes, thereby contributing to our overall physical, mental, and spiritual health, and to the wellbeing of the people around us.
Redeeming Art Ministry uses art workshops as a discipleship tool, in which participants learn how to internalize and communicate Scripture and Biblical principles through making and displaying work while learning technical craftsmanship and fine art skills. Project prompts are directly derived from Scripture. Individuals 16 years old and up, of all skill levels, are invited to participate with a willing and teachable spirit.
Redeeming Art Ministry uses art workshops as a discipleship tool, in which participants learn how to internalize and communicate Scripture and Biblical principles through making and displaying work while learning technical craftsmanship and fine art skills. Project prompts are directly derived from Scripture. Individuals 16 years old and up, of all skill levels, are invited to participate with a willing and teachable spirit.
Instructors and participants will meet for one and a half hours weekly for six weeks each workshop. Each six week workshop is based on learning a specific art modality (ex. drawing, painting, sculpture) combined with weekly Scriptural lessons. The instructor will lead participants through prayer and Scripture from which the art lesson is derived, pointing out the focal and supplemental verses for the week. Participants will build art skills weekly, creating several projects during the RAM workshop.
Each RAM workshop will result in an art show to present the art work created to our church body and community. Participants are encouraged to invite people they know to an opening event for the art show. Art shows provide opportunities for those not involved in RAM art workshops to receive the message of what is made and to experience God's creativity through observation. Participants are also able to share the Scriptural basis and context of the artwork they have made.
To maintain one-on-one interaction and a discipleship focus, registration is limited to 12 participants per RAM session.
Each RAM workshop will result in an art show to present the art work created to our church body and community. Participants are encouraged to invite people they know to an opening event for the art show. Art shows provide opportunities for those not involved in RAM art workshops to receive the message of what is made and to experience God's creativity through observation. Participants are also able to share the Scriptural basis and context of the artwork they have made.
To maintain one-on-one interaction and a discipleship focus, registration is limited to 12 participants per RAM session.
Participants will pay a fee at the beginning of each session to cover the cost of tools and materials for the projects made during that session. The fee for a basic workshop will be $40 per participant. More costly and technical projects will have a higher price point that will be assessed as those projects are developed. Participants may use their own tools and materials but will still be expected to purchase the kit for the workshop.
Redeeming Art Ministry is open to those with an artistic interest or skills in this area to participate as an Instructor or in a supportive role.
Please contact the church office if you are led to serve with this ministry.
Please contact the church office if you are led to serve with this ministry.
Art Ministry Workshop
led by Cindy Prieto and Xiomara Martinez
Calling All Artists
Do you have an unfinished art project that you would like to work on for 1 1/2 hours per week in a Christian atmosphere? If so, we have the place for you! The Redeeming Art Ministry invites you to bring your unfinished art project (or start a new one) along with your supplies on Sunday nights from 5 to 6:30 p.m. to work on your project along with other Christian artists in a fun atmosphere where we can learn from each other. There will be no formal instruction and the class is free. Class size is limited to 12 due to the size of the room.
Do you have an unfinished art project that you would like to work on for 1 1/2 hours per week in a Christian atmosphere? If so, we have the place for you! The Redeeming Art Ministry invites you to bring your unfinished art project (or start a new one) along with your supplies on Sunday nights from 5 to 6:30 p.m. to work on your project along with other Christian artists in a fun atmosphere where we can learn from each other. There will be no formal instruction and the class is free. Class size is limited to 12 due to the size of the room.
Foundations (drawing)
Participants in the first session of Redeeming Art Ministry memorized a foundational Bible verse each week, for six weeks, and learned how Christians can communicate the things of the Bible through drawing. We focused on technical drawing skills through still life and life drawing. At the same time, we discussed the principle that the more we observe our environment and the people around us, the more accurately we are able to represent them through drawing, in the same way that the more we observe Jesus and develop our relationship with him, the better we are able to represent him in the world. Participants had multiple levels of skill and experience, but all were diligent in learning, practicing, and growing.
For their final drawing, each artist chose one of the Bible verses they memorized during this session and designed an image to visually articulate that verse. They were guided through the process of choosing appropriate symbols and imagery and composing a meaningful, communicative drawing.
For their final drawing, each artist chose one of the Bible verses they memorized during this session and designed an image to visually articulate that verse. They were guided through the process of choosing appropriate symbols and imagery and composing a meaningful, communicative drawing.
Session 2: Testimony (Painting)
In the second session of Redeeming Art Ministry, we will gain a technical foundation in oil painting and a spiritual understanding of how to perceive and deliver our testimony, pursuing the instruction in 1 Peter 3:15, which says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." Our final painting will be a self portrait representing our individual testimony.